Hello There!

My name is Drago The pronunciation of my username does not matter to me but for me I usually go to Dr-ay-go. I'm just a silly musician trying to make the most out of her life with friends and memories.

My main focus in life has always been with music especially with playing and making it. I play a number of instruments but the big ones are Guitar (both acoustic and electric), Drums, Trombone and keyboard (only the basics though). When I'm not doing something music related I'm usually talking to friends, playing games or watching movies. I've also dabbled a little bit with game making and video editing especially with RPG Maker and videos for friends. Anything I make is mostly meant for fun or to learn but nothing too serious.

Here are some of my personal favorites when it comes to games

Now when it comes to movies, I'd have to these are my favorites

Lastly in 2024 I was actually asked out by this lovely person named Jesterjamz. It's funny, we ended up getting together a few minutes before Christmas was over for us. They're the one who has provided art for this website and I'm so grateful I get to date someone so talented! They're the light of my life and mean everything to me and I plan to keep loving them until the end of my life.

Head home